Health of any human being is dependent on the state of 6 major organs in the body. They are the brain, the heart, the lungs, the liver, the pancreas and the kidneys. Although there are other organs that also help maintain normal health majority of the problems are caused by pathology affecting one of the 6 organs. Important functions performed by the kidney: Excretion of toxic waste formed in the body Important in regulating blood pressure Maintenance of salt and water balance in the body Role in the synthesis of vitamin D and production of red blood cells (RBC) Kidneys produce urine through which most of the waste products formed in the body are excreted. If the kidneys malfunction, toxic waste products start to accumulate causing ill health. The kidneys are also responsible for maintaining the right amount of salt and water in the body (electrolyte balance). Any imbalance in the electrolyte levels can again cause serious ill health ranging from lethargy to unconsciousness and cardiac arrest. How does the Kidney function: Normally there are 2 kidneys through which a large volume of circulating blood flows through. The blood containing salts, waste products and all the other components flow through tiny blood vessels bundled together in structures called glomerulus. These are the specialised filtering units in the kidney. There are approximately 1 million glomeruli in each kidney. The fluid that is filtered from blood passes through a series of tubules. As the filtrate flows through the tubules, all essential salts together with the right amount of water is reabsorbed back in to the circulation. The rest of the water together with the toxic waste products pass through the ureter and stored in the bladder to be excreted later as urine. Urine is an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma. It is slightly acidic and normally will not contain blood, protein or sugar. If any of these are present it indicates an underlying disease. If the glomeruli or tubules are affected by disease, chemicals or poison, the kidney function will be impaired resulting in accumulation of toxins, waste products and excess water. The electrolyte balance will also be affected. The result is kidney failure. The grade of failure will depend on the extent of damage. Kidneys Can Be Damaged by: Environmental Pollutants Severe Dehydration Trauma to the Kidney Myoglobin released when muscles are crushed during an accident Hypertension Diabetes Mellitus Cancer Anti inflammatory Drugs like Ibuprofen Antibiotics like Gentamycin Iodine containing medications used in scans. Symptoms of Kidney Failure: Lethargy Tiredness Breathlessness Loss of appetite Generalised swelling (oedema) Puffiness of face Palpitation Feeling fait Checking Your Renal Function Renal or kidney function tests (RFTs) are done to assess how well the kidneys are working. The tests are done when there is suspicion of impaired kidney function or it is done as part of a routine health check. If done as part of a routine health check a
Kidney Function