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What is a safe amount of alcohol one can consume On the subject of alcohol, the medical profession keeps talking about the safe amount of alcohol one can drink. Not many people know what this safe amount is. The safe limits for the Caucasian race recommended by the Royal College of Physicians are:- Men - no more than 21 units of alcohol per week, no more than four units in any one day, and have at least two alcohol-free days a week. Women - no more than 14 units of alcohol per week, no more than three units in any one day, and have at least two alcohol-free days a week. Anything more and your liver will be at risk. There is a definitely increased risk of liver disease for those who drink daily. Pregnant women should avoid alcohol during pregnancy.For the Asian population the limit should be much lower but exact figures are not available. What is a unit of alcohol?Many among the population do not know what a unit of alcohol is. One unit of alcohol is 10 ml (1 cl) by volume, or 8 g by weight, of pure alcohol. For example: One unit of alcohol equals half a pint of ordinary strength beer or lager. 25 mls of spirits (40% alcohol by volume) 50 mls of fortified wine such as sherry or port (20% alcohol by volume). A small glass (125 ml) of ordinary strength wine (12% alcohol by volume) and 35 mls of spirits (40% alcohol by volume) both count as 1.5 units each Always check the strength. Some wines and beers may be stronger and the units consumed may be more.Three pints of beer, three times per week, is at least 18-20 units per week. That is nearly the upper weekly safe limit for a man. However, each drinking session of three pints is at least six units, which is more than the safe limit advised for any one day. Another example: a 750 ml bottle of 12% wine contains nine units. If you drink two bottles of 12% wine over a week, that is 18 units. This is above the upper safe limit for a woman. In the older people drinking a small amount of alcohol helps to protect against heart disease and stroke but exceed the safe limits and you are heading for disaster. K.Badrinath